

We vampires sparkle on Christmas day

With Ingrid well on her way to a degree from one of the finest writing programs around, and I with a fascination for vampires plenty of photography equipment around, we set out to lower the bar for the holiday season.

Two wigs later, we morphed into a vampire and a not-quite-sure-if-I-want-to-be-a-vamp, and sparkled as best we could for your mailboxes, dear friends and family:

On the back, we’ve asked a very important question. Are you Team Ingrid or Team Russell? Don’t wuss out; pick a side. Click here to vote for your team!

May your Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, and even your whole winter, sparkle brightly!

— From Ingrid & Russell

PS: Um, in case it isn’t bloody obvious, here was our inspiration:

PPS: Dear ol’ Turney Burney played the role of brooding shirtless warewolf, but he unfortunately was cut from the final card:

Turney Burney as brooding shirtless warewolf.



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