

Family Portrait Style: Autumn Brown

Autumn is on its way! Time to jump in the leaves, stroll through the orchard, and throw a little spice in your coffee.

If you’re planning to have a family portrait made this fall, think about how you might compliment the changing leaves and harvest landscape. Earth tones and autumn browns are a great way to make sure your family looks great in an outdoor setting.

My favorite trick for creating a cohesive family portrait “look” is to pick one featured color and one neutral. Then add accents with tints and shades of those colors.

In the example below, I’ve used the core colors of russet brown and dark denim blue. Neutrals come in the form of soft greys and chocolate, while my accents add a dash of rosy brown and peach! This color palette would look great in any wooded setting, as well as urban backdrops of concrete or brick.

Family Portrait Style: Autumn Brown - Russell Gearhart Photography - www.gearhartphoto.com


Creating a look that harmonizes with the landscape will help also help produce awesome images!

In the family portrait below, this group designed their look on the rusty metal and aged wood of the bridge. They chose dusty red and gray hues along with slate gray and tawny beige. No one in the family is matchy-matchy. Instead, each individual has made the color theme their own, while the group as a whole is unified and compliments the background.


Family Portrait Style: Autumn Brown - Russell Gearhart Photography - www.gearhartphoto.com

For more tips on how to get amazing family portraits, check out these links:

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